Dental veneers, often known as porcelain veneers, are the perfect solution for all those seeking a perfect smile. Porcelain pieces recreate the natural look of your teeth while also offering strength and flexibility equivalent to the natural tooth enamel.

Most people look up to a dental veneer treatment to enhance the quality of their smile, while also fixing various teeth disorders.



What are dental veneers?

Veneers are thin durable shells made of tooth coloured materials that are bonded to the surface of a tooth to enhance its appearance.

What are the types of veneers?

Porcelain and composite bonding are the most common veneer materials. Composite veneers are made of a resin that is shaped and bonded to a tooth to enhance the appearance. Porcelain veneers are usually made in a lab and are more resistant to staining, compared to other materials.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are the most commonly used veneer type. Porcelain laminates are thin ceramic shells which fit precisely on the faces of prepared anterior teeth. Moreover, porcelain veneers resemble your natural teeth, and this is the reason they are preferred more as compared to other veneer types. You will be recommended dental veneers for improving colour, gaping, size, shape, chipping, and failed dental filling.

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

Veneers are one of the most effective cosmetic dental treatment, made of a strong and durable material which makes them long-lasting. They have a natural appeal and don’t look fake. Moreover, veneers are stain resistant and the recovery period post-treatment is quite minimal. They are indeed the perfect investment if you are looking to improve your smile, while also reaping the various dental health benefits.

Will the veneers look fake?

Veneers are designed to look like your natural tooth, especially porcelain veneers as they closely resemble your natural teeth. But perfection in the result depends on the dentist and the technique as used.

Should I worry about my veneers getting stained?

The reason why porcelain veneers are favoured is that they are resistant to stain. You can enjoy tea, coffee and other beverages that are likely to cause stain without being apprehensive about your veneers getting stained.

What is the aftercare process for veneers?

Veneers are made to act like your natural tooth but to ensure they continue being strong, it is advisable that you abide by usual hygiene practices including daily brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist for the cleaning.


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