Is your child teething?
We understand that it can be quite difficult for parents to see their children in pain, especially when they’re so young. Teething is a natural process that typically begins around 6 months of age. The common signs of teething include:
- Drooling
- An urge to put all objects in their mouth
- Disturbed sleep
- Flushed cheeks
- Swollen gums
What can you do to help them?
- Teething rings are a safe object for your baby to chew on. Some rings can be cooled in the fridge beforehand to help soothe their gums.
- Teething gels (for babies over 4 months old) often contain a mild local anaesthetic to numb pain and antiseptic ingredients to prevent infection.
- Offer healthy foods to chew on – fruit and vegetables are ideal because they are soft and gentle on the gums.
- Cool, sugar-free drinks can help soothe the gums and reduce excessive drooling.
- Gently rubbing the gums with a clean finger or a wet gauze pad can ease pain and lessen soreness.
For more information on pediatric dental care, visit our Child Dentistry page.
The Dentist
01922 624900