Here at The Dentist we offer a variety of teeth straightening options. Teeth straightening aids start at as little as £1900.00.
Fixed braces
We offer fixed braces in metal or ceramic. This method of teeth straightening is having small metal or ceramic brackets fitted to your teeth which are then connected by an arch wire, this applies tension to your teeth for them to gradually move. The wire is held in place with an elastic tie. Treatment normally lasts for between 12 months and 2 years.
Invisalign works by using a variety of custom made aligners which are clear, to gradually shift your teeth into the correct position. The aligners are changed roughly every 2 weeks until your treatment is completed.
Invisalign lite
Invisalign lite is exactly the same process as Invisalign but its for less complex cases. This is a very good option if you only have a small amount of moving to be done as it is carried out in less time and using less aligners.
We offer Incognito braces which is an alternative to a fixed brace as they are discreetly fitted onto the back of your teeth unlike a traditional fixed brace. This type of brace is virtually invisible and suitable for all ages.
We offer a free a consultation with our Orthodontist, with no waiting lists. We have flexible evening appointments available.
We also offer 0% finance over a period of 12 months.
For example:
Your braces cost £1900
Deposit on the day: £158.33
Then 11 payments of: £158.33