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Ways To Make Christmas Healthier!

1. Don’t ditch the routine

Ever get that ‘what day of the week is it?’ feeling during the Christmas break? It’s very common and because of this, usually our daily routine gets thrown out. However, try to stick to a good oral hygiene routine as especially during this time of year, your teeth take a bit of a hammering with the sweets, chocolates, sugary treats and drinks they go through!


2. Christmas breakfast

The main event on Christmas Day may be lunch, however having a filling, healthy breakfast will help you to stop reaching for the Quality Street tin at midday.


3. Swap the mince pie for a handful of nuts

Just as festive, and they won’t harm your teeth. Mince pies are quite high in sugar because of the dried fruit they are made up with, so instead reach for the nutcracker. Nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help protect your teeth from decay.


4. Drink water at the end of the Christmas party

December is usually a busy month with lots of Christmas parties. A great tip is to make water your last drink of the night, as not only does it help to wash away the acid & plaque from the drinks, but also lessens the hangover!


5. Fondue of a Christmas cheese board?!

Good news, cheese is not only rich in calcium, which promotes healthy teeth but also balances out the PH in your mouth after having an acidic drink, like mulled wine.


6. Don’t deny yourself treats altogether

Denying yourself the good stuff is never a good idea, so if you can’t resist a chocolate coin or a Christmas tipple or two, chew some sugar-free gum or drink a glass of water to boost protection. Also, try and stick to snacking near meal times, so your teeth are exposed to sugar and acid fewer times in the day.

7. Visit your dentist or hygienist regularly

Your dentist or hygienist can remove any plaque that has built up on your teeth, particularly in hard to reach areas. If you feel like treating yourself this Christmas, why not talk to us about teeth whitening treatment, which can remove stains built up by tea, coffee, wine and smoking? It’s the perfect way to boost your smile in time for the festive party season.

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